
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Abolition of Death Penalty

ABOLITION OF ending PENALTY DEFINITION harmonize to Republic Act No. 7659, cobblers last penalization is a penalization for offences that ar heinous for creation grievous, repulsive and hostile offenses and which, by reason of their inherent or manifest wickedness, viciousness, savagery and crankiness atomic number 18 repugnant and outrageous to the common standards and norms of decency and morality in a ripe, civilized and rewriteed society. remnant punishment is a brutal, unable and dangerous punishment for very serious reasons and with due judicial process. correspond toAmnesty International, a worldwide movement of people working for internationally recognized military man declines closing penalization is the ultimate, irreversible denial of sympathetic rightlys. Thus, they worked towards abolishing it in order to end the cycle of violence created by a system ridd conduct with economic and racial bias and tainted with merciful error. BACKGROUND Next, I would desire to present a brief emphasise on terminal penalty in the Filipinos. In 1987, the Philippines made story by becoming the first Asian inelegant in unexampled times to abolish the stopping point penalty for all crimes.However, six years later, in 1993, the finis penalty was reintroduced in the Philippines for 46 different offences. such of those are murder, rape, parricide, infanticide and qualified bribery, among former(a)s. Executions resumed in 1999 until year 2000 when former electric chair Estrada denote a moratorium on executions. This has been continued by current President Arroyo, in pr proceedice, throughout her presidency. at a time, under her rule, the death penalty is again abolished . STANCE I am in favor of abolishing the death penalty law in the Philippines.Allow me to present my arguments. First, it violates the right to live. Second, it is a very cruel pr figure outice. Third, it is anti-poor. Last, death penalty defeats its purpose. ARGUMENT S First, the imposition of death penalty violates a persons right to live. condition common chord Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution, other than known asthe Bill of Rights, states that No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property By statuesque death penalty, the right of a criminal to live is world violated. Furthermore, it is a known fact that majority of Filipinos are Catholics.As said, we have hotshot of the worlds largest Christian populations. According tothe Ten Commandmentsof the Church, thou shall not run through. therefore, nobody is given the right to commit the lives of others. Whether that person is a criminal or not, nobody has the right to play God and take the life that He has given. Filipinos should respect and quantify the sanctity of human life and uphold the virtue and religious doctrines that are expected of us as a dominant Christian nation. Second, it is a very cruel, untamed and irreversible practice.It is very cruel and in human be mys tify persons are killed. This alone is proof. Once a person is killed, the act cannot be reversed. Third, death penalty is anti-poor. In a country like the Philippines with a very slow, sometimes inefficient, unfair and un tho judicial system, death penalty is simply not viable. Majority of the 1200 people on the death course are poor. Maybe, for some, being there is what they de distribute. But for many, it is poverty that brought them there. Not everyone in that row should die.Many are simply there because they ran against some filthy full and powerful person or they could not afford to get a good lawyer to defend them. A ruminate showed that death penalty is anti-poor as the underprivileged who cannot afford the services of competent counsels are oftentimes the ones convicted of death penalty. Studies have shown that the death penalty is disproportionately enforce on the poorest, least educated and most vulnerable members of society. It takes the lives of offenders who might otherwise have been rehabilitated. Lastly, death penalty does not live up to its purpose.It is not able to serve its purpose which is to prevent crimes and to preserve peace and order. According to the President, in a letter she sent to Senate President Franklin M. Drilon, the imposition of death penalty was shown to have not served its principal purpose of effectively deterring the relegation of heinous crimes. Clearly, even with death penalty imposed, the Philippines still continued to bedevil high and rising crime rates in the country. If death penalty is effective, there should have been less crimes but it is quite the contrary.Also, there are no concrete evidence like studies or tests that could prove that the imposition of death penalty really prevents crime indeed maintaining peace and order in the country. SUMMARY To cap off this essay, death penalty is the punishment served to those who have committed crimes that are heinous for being grievous, odious and hateful offens es and which, by reason of their inherent or manifest wickedness, viciousness, atrocity and perversity are repugnant and outrageous to the common standards and norms of decency and morality in a just, civilized and ordered society. I am in favor of the abolishment of death penalty because first, its imposition violates the right to live. Second, it is a very cruel, inhuman and irreversible act. Third, death penalty is anti-poor. Lastly, death penalty does not serve its purpose of preventing crimes and preserving peace and order. I wish to end this speech by saying that I commend the Congress for passing a lawmaking calling for the abolition of death penalty. As CBCP coiffes it, this step has finally led the country to move from justice that kills to justice that heals. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How To Put To finish goal Penalty Death Penalty as we all know is a Legalized form of Killing or murder it is a legali zed SIN because to kill or to murder what we all know is sin and some called an act of killing or murder an EVIL act. Does the implementation of Death Penalty induce life, justice and end heinous crimes in the Philippines? I dont cogitate so.But the new Vice President of the Philippines Jejomar Binay thinks it so as he utter his desire to bring back death penalty in the Philippine in his outburst emotional answer when he attended the wake of the brutally murdered son of lawyer Oliver Lozano at media interview. Dapat ibalik na ang death penalty ( It is high time to bring back death penalty) -Jejomar Binay Death Penalty has been in the Philippines since the Marcos politics but was only withdraw at the time of former Philippine professorship Corazon Aquino and was revived during between the administration of former Philippine presidents Fidel V.Ramos and Joseph Ejercito Estrada and was removed again at the time of the recent former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo be cause of the mistake and failure of the execution of the First ever Filipino to pull in death penalty by lethal injection Leo Echagaray for the crime of rape which was found eventually that he is not guilty or was innocent of the crime he was impeach of and the true rapist is at large and unknown. What a big slap on the Philippines justice system, thus it was removed.It was the roar and pro-death penalty campaigns in the media which influenced unlearned people that Leo Echagaray defer into untimely death before he was proven innocent so sad that people at that time were driven by unin split upigent wrath to revenge for the rape victim. But now Vice president Binay, is wishing to bring it back? To repeat this sad scenario just to tell to the world that we do justice, WHAT JUSTICE Does he think soundly when he utters a wish for its revival or is he just emotional overwhelmed at the wake of the brutally murdered son of attorney Oliver Lozano?There are many bad consequences to the justice system of the Philippines when Death penalty will be rekindled its frightening presence in the Philippines. to a greater extent injustices will be engendered in the end by mistakenly sentencing to death innocent poor Filipinos and foreigners once they could not proven themselves innocent at the allowed period of presenting evidences and proofs that one is not guilty of the crime being accused of and by the influence of ignorant brainless and heartless wrathful masses.Moreover, if one is financially poor and destitute how can one find a trustworthy attorney that cannot be bought by property, to depend ones innocence? Truly more innocent lives will be rip up unjustly by this satanic swell punishment. Furthermore, we already know that the financially rich and wealthy prosecuted and accused ones could pervert justice and could buy money-face attorneys, lawyers and judges.Therefore, is this death penalty will stop heinous crimes or will just added more unjust crimes perpetrate d by its revival and presence, wherein death penalty is as well as a heinous crime concealed by the law of rightfulness of the state or country. For death penalty is an act of torturing a person until it dies, which has no difference with the sadistic and psychotic behavior of apparently soulless criminals who torture first their victims before they eventually kill their victims.Death penalty is NOT HUMANE ACT, rather it is BEASTIAL ACT. Bestial act (death penalty) against bestial act (heinous crimes) will not solve or eliminate crimes within the country or state. Fear is not the answer and will not extirpate the main cause of crimes. it just swans but never solves it just control the symptoms but never cures and heals. JC tortured and received Death Penalty A more humanitarian solution is the key to solve bestial problems like crimes for every effect (activities) there is a cause (reason for the activity).The cause should be addressed to solve the problem and not controlling t he effects without removing the cause For the effects will not end if the cause is not removed. think Filipinos, your National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal was a victim of Death penalty or capital punishment which is Firing squad during the Spanish occupation but he is innocent. toy with as well Filipinos, your beloved colonial religious deity deliverer Christ was also a victim of Death penalty or capital punishment which is crucifixion but Jesus Christ is innocent.Remember also Filipinos, your beloved fellow Filipinos that have suffered Death Penalty on other countries by hanging are also innocent. Remember Filipinos, the humane in you and dont let the bestial overtake your human side. Remember Filipinos, to Love and Understand and dont let Hate and vexation overtake that Love and understanding within your soul. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Death Penalty, Good or Bad? A few days ago the chief of law for West Orange, pertly Jersey spoke out about the forbid effects of the death penalty.James Abbott (police chief) stated that the death penalty is broken beyond repair and that the extra money spent pursuing executions could be part spent on crime prevention and the needs of victims. I no longer believe that you can fix the death penalty. Six months of study opened my eyes to its shocking reality. I learned that the death penalty throws millions of dollars down the drain money that I could be putting instantaneously to work fighting crime every day while pull victims families through a long and torturous process that only exacerbates their pain. Now in New Jersey, the death penalty has been outlawed. The death penalty is being replaced with life in prison with no mishap of parole. Is this really gonna deject the costs that the death penalty brings about? On top of that, could the money used for the death penalty really be used to assistant change peoples attitudes on how they act? Current ly, the state of New Jersey has spent over a quarter of a jillion dollars on the death penalty in the last 30 years.Would this be enough money to rehabilitate a murderer? Personally I think trying to have a murderer rehabilitated is a devour of time. I know there is the saying that everyone deserves a 2nd prospect but in the case of murder, there is no 2nd chance for the murdered. Why should we not take another(prenominal)s life if he murdered another life? Not only for cost reasons do I think life in prison would be a waste of money but also ethically I think life imprisonment is cruel.I know there are a dissever of ethical dilemmas involved but would we as humans be cruel enough to torture another human for the rest of his life in prison? To me, ending someones life fast and officious seems more human than dragging out a sentence for til now number of years. Also, even if the man or woman was not being tortured in prison, we would be spending money on belongings 1 person al ive who murdered another. Where is the justice behind that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ There should be justice in this world.There are many forms of justice in this world but in the case of murdering another human being, I think there should only be one final verdict. A murder should be tried then if found guilty put to death. No one can bring back a late(prenominal) person. A family member who lost a loved one because another person murdered them would want justice for the murders crime. Article III. Bill of Rights Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the advert protection of the laws.

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