Thursday, February 21, 2019
Indicators of Employees Motivation
pic magnetic dipofMembers pic FunctionsandIndep b throw out upence pic industrialRelations pic Staff pic explosive chargeForm pic The lying-inAct2003,(ACT651) pic RegulationsoftheNLC matterLABO UR accusation(NLC) pic ListofMediators pic CodeofConduct pic Inuagural mention pic Picture aim pic AnnualReport pic ListofMembers pic FunctionsandIndependence pic IndustrialRelations pic Staff pic ComplaintForm pic TheLabourAct2003,(ACT651) pic RegulationsoftheNLC subject fieldLABO URCOMMISSION(NLC) pic ListofMediators pic CodeofConduct pic Inuagural salute pic PictureGallery pic AnnualReport Top of Form pic pipic pi c pic c pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic picNovember 13, 2011November 09, 2011 pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic Website Design CON-IMEDIA pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic Website Design CON-IMEDIA pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic NATIONAL LABOUR COMMISSION REGULATIONS, 2006 L. I. 1822 IN exercise of the powers conferred on the tutelage low section 152 of the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) these Regulations are made this 1st day eon of February, 2006. dialog procedures talks in good faith. 1.Parties to an industrial take exception shall negotiate in good faith in the first instance to root the departure in accordance with the dispute hamlet procedures established in their respective(prenominal) Collective Agreements or Contracts of Employment. cartridge holder for concluding negotiations. The Negotiation shall be cogitate inside heptad functional age afterwardswards the occurrence of the dispute. 3. Records of Negotiation Process. The parties shall keep written records of the negotiation ferment and outcome sign by twain parties. Where the parties cannot fit out to sign a consensus record together, each troupe whitethorn present its own record duly signed. Failure to resolving power dispute by Negotiation. 4. If the dispute remains unresolved after vii works years, either society shall refer it to the focal point for the appellative of a go-between. Failure to exhaust procedures in Collective Agreement. Where the charge is satisfied that the parties micturate not exhausted the procedures established in the Collective Agreement or have not agreed to waive those procedures, the deputation shall order the parties to honor with those procedures inwardly the time as determined by the Commission. Mediation procedures Complaint to be in writing. The Complainant shall submit a written disease to the Commission or complete Form A (Complainant Form) specified in the Schedule to the Regulations and submit it to the Commission. measure inside which to resolve to Complaint. (1) The Commission shall in spite of appearance tercet (3) on the job(p) days shell out the separate party with a copy of the bursting charge and request the other party to the dispute to respond to the explosive charge in writing inside fourteen (14) operative days of the receipt of the Commissio ns request. (2) Where a party to a dispute fails to respond to the request of the Commission within the stipulated termination of fourteen working days, the Commission shall send a final denounce to the party pertain to respond within a further seven working days after which the Commission shall proceed to determine the case. Choice of Mediator after(prenominal) receipt of the response in code 7, the Commission shall provide both parties the inclining of mediators for the parties to make a selection of a mediator or mediators. Appointment of Mediator The Commission shall appoint the mediator or mediators collectively chosen by the parties to mediate in the dispute. Failure to agree on choice of mediator Where the parties to a dispute fail to agree on a choice of mediator the Commission shall, within two (2) working days, appoint a mediator or mediators as the case may be to mediate the dispute. Time within which to conclude interintermediatio n The mediation shall be concluded within fourteen days after the involution of appointment of the mediator. Dispute settled through mediation (1) Where at the end of the mediation there is a colony of the dispute, the terms of settlement shall be recorded and signed by the mediator and the parties to the dispute. (2) A copy of the signed terms of settlement shall be lodged with the Commission. Binding Settlement The settlement referred to in regulation 12 shall be cover song on the parties. Duty to support in mediation efforts The parties to the mediation process shall cooperate in the mediation efforts. Failure to settle through mediation Where there is no settlement at the end of the mediation process the mediator shall directly adjudge the dispute as unresolved and refer the dispute to the Commission within tercet days for automatic Arbitration. Conflict of interest. A mediator shall interrupt in writing, any int erest whatsoever character in a dispute referred for mediation. Upon consideration of such interest by the Commission, the mediator may be changed unless the parties to the dispute consent in writing to retain the mediator. Voluntary arbitrament Reference to military volunteer arbitrament Where a dispute is referred to the Commission under regulation 15, the Commission shall with the consent of the parties refer the dispute to an arbitrator or an arbitrement panel for voluntary arbitrament. Failure to agree on choice of arbitrator Where the parties to a voluntary arbitration fail to agree on the appointment of an arbitrator or an arbitration panel, the Commission shall, within ternary working days, appoint an arbitrator or arbitration panel. apocalypse of interest. An arbitrator shall disclose in writing, any interest whatsoever nature the arbitrator may have in a dispute referred for voluntary arbitration. Upon consideration of such intere st by the Commission, the arbitrator may be changed unless the parties to the dispute consent in writing to waive this option. Time within which to submit recital of issues or questions in dispute Within three (3) working days after the appointment of an arbitrator or arbitration panel, the parties to an industrial dispute shall submit to the arbitrator in writing a put inment of the issues or questions in dispute signed by ace or more of the parties or their representatives. Failure or refusal to sign a statement of issues or questions in a dispute. Where a party to a dispute fails or refuses to sign a statement as necessary in regulation 20, the statement may be submitted without that partys signature. A statement pursuant to sub-regulation (1) shall state that the other party has failed or refused to sign the statement and the Commission shall authorize the arbitrator to proceed with the arbitration notwithstanding the fact that only one party has signed the statement of the issue. Failure to appear before an arbitrator If any party fails to appear before the arbitrator or arbitration panel after the end of seven (7) working days after being notified, the arbitrator or arbitration panel shall proceed to hear and determine the dispute. Time within which to conclude voluntary arbitration The voluntary arbitration process shall be concluded within fourteen (14) working days from the date of appointment of the arbitrator or arbitration panel or within the extra time determined by the Commission. Voluntary Arbitration introduce screening The decision of the arbitrator or a majority of the arbitrators shall be binding on all the parties. Arbitration loot to be communicated The arbitrator or arbitration panel shall within seven working days of the extend sitting make an award and communicate the award to the parties and the Commission within seventy-two hours. commanding arbitration C ompulsory arbitration by the Commission If a dispute remains unresolved within seven (7) working days after the commencement of a strike or lock out, the dispute shall be settled by needed arbitration by the Commission. Content of notice to be served by the Commission 27 (1) Where a dispute is referred to the Commission under Clause 26, theCommission shall serve a notice on the parties (a) stating what in its opinion the unresolved issues are amid the parties and (b) asking the parties whether they agree to those issues (2) the parties shall respond within three (3) working days. account of Compulsory Arbitration Panel 28.A compulsory arbitration shall act three members of the Commission, one member each representing regimen, Organized Labour and Employers Organization. Time within which to conclude compulsory arbitration The compulsory arbitration process shall be concluded within fourteen (14) working days after s wear out of the notice in regulation 27. Compulsory Arbitration gift binding The award of the majority of the arbitrators in a compulsory arbitration shall be binding on the parties. Publication of compulsory arbitration award in Gazette A compulsory arbitration award shall immediately on completion, be published in the Gazette and other state media by the Commission and copies shall be given to the parties to the dispute. call forths against compulsory arbitration award Appeals against a compulsory arbitration award shall lie to the Court of Appeal on questions of law only within seven (7) working days after the publication of the award under regulation 31. Summary settlement of dispute by the Commission. (1). After the receipt of a complaint in accordance with regulation 6 and a response to the complaint in accordance with Clause 7, the Commission may, after giving the parties to the dispute the function to be heard, settle the dispute sum marily without recourse to mediation or arbitration. (2). Where a party to a dispute fails to respond to a complaint in accordance with regulation 7, the Commission may determine the complaint without recourse to that party and the decision of the Commission shall be binding on the parties to the dispute. (3) The Commission may re-open a dispute which has been determined under sub-regulation (2) if a party to the dispute on application within fourteen working days after the determination of the case provides reasonable explanation for the trial to respond to the complaint. Procedures for resolving disputes from essential go Dispute Resolution in Essential Services Parties to an industrial dispute in essential work shall endeavour to settle the dispute within three (3) days after the occurrence of the dispute by negotiation. Referral to the Commission after ill luck to resolve dispute If the dispute remains unresolved after the expiration of the three (3) days referred to in regulation 34, the parties shall within the next working day refer the dispute to the Commission for settlement by compulsory arbitration. Compulsory arbitration by the Commission The Commission shall, not later than three (3) working days after the dispute has been referred to it, constitute a compulsory arbitration panel to settle the dispute by compulsory arbitration within fourteen working days. accepts and lockout procedures Notice of intention to strike or lockout Where (a) the parties fail to agree to refer a dispute for voluntary arbitration, or (b) a dispute remains unresolved at the end of the arbitration proceedings, either party intending to take a strike action or lockout, shall give written notice of the intended action to the other party and the Commission shall, within seven (7) working days after the failure of the parties to agree to refer the dispute to another arbitration, terminate the arbitration proceedings. Time within which strike or lockout action can be undertaken Strike action or lockout may be undertaken after the expiration of seven (7) working days from the date of the notice referred to in regulation 37 and not at anytime before the expiration of that period. Effective date of notice of strike or lockout The seven (7) working days referred in regulation 38 shall begin to run from the date of receipt of the notice by the Commission. Prohibition of strike or lockout in respect of essential work An employer carrying on, or a worker engaged in an essential service shall not resort to a lockout or strike in fraternity with or in furtherance of an industrial dispute in which workers in the essential service are manifold. Cooling-off period A party to an industrial dispute shall not resort to a strike or lockout during the period when negotiation, mediation or arbitration proceedings are in progress. Procedures fo r maintaining a database of mediators and arbitrators and fees List of mediators and arbitrators The Commission shall maintain a list of industrial transaction mediators or arbitrators who meet the criteria of the Commission. Application to be listed as mediator or arbitrator A person who seeks to be listed as a mediator or arbitrator shall complete and submit an application form which may be obtained from the Commission. Mediators and Arbitrators not employees of Commission A person appointed as mediator or arbitrator of the Commission does not become employee of the Commission. change mediator or arbitrator A person appointed as a mediator or arbitrator is not qualified to serve in that capacity if the person has a financial or other interest in the undertaking or employers or workers organization involved in the dispute, unless the parties to the dispute agree to the appointment in writing despite the disclosure of the interest. Removal from the list of mediators and arbitrators A person listed as a mediator or arbitrator may be removed from the list by the Commission on the grounds that the person (a) no lengthy satisfies the criteria for admission (b) has been repeatedly or flagrantly delinquent in submitting reports to the Commission (c) has refused to make reasonable and periodic reports in a timely mood to the Commission concerning activities relating to mediation or arbitration. (d) has been the subject of complaints by parties who use the services of the Commission after appropriate enquiry has established a nevertheless cause for cancellation, or (e) has died Notice for removal of mediators and arbitrators A mediator or arbitrator listed on the database may only be removed after thirty days notice. Voluntary withdrawal from list of mediators or arbitrators. A person listed as a mediator and or arbitrator by the Commission may wit hdraw from the list at any time by giving the Commission thirty (30) days notice in writing. 49. Mediation and voluntary arbitration fees Fees shall be in conformity with Government Consultancy rates obtainedfromthe Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning. SCHEDULE (Regulation 6) NATIONAL LABOUR COMMISSION unhealthiness FORM A Complainant Respondent . Address Address .. Contact No. Contact No. Date 20.. COMPLAINT Relief Sought Signed . COMPLAINANT JOSEPH A. ARYITEY Chairperson, National Labour Commission Date of Gazette notification 17th March, 2006 more pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic Subscribe to our newssheet pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic Name pic E-mail pic picunsubscribe pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic News & Events pic pic pic pic pic pic pic pic 20/10/2009 ARBITRATION grant ore pic 01/10/2009 ANNUAL narrative 2006 more pic 29/09/2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ore pic 29/09/2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2008 ore pic 13/10/2008 ARBITRATION distribute SGS LAB SERVICES GHANA LIMITED VRS MINEWORKERS UNION ore pic 15/04/2008 ore pic 20/02/2008 ore pic 20/02/2008
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