
Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Signalman and The Man with the Twisted Lip Essay -- Charles Dicken

The Signalman and The Man with the Twisted sassingOriginally stories were birdsong or spoken and handed down through word of address from one person to an other(a). There were thousands of traditionalstories all over the world, from world power Arthur and his knights of theround table in Britain to Hercules and the Gods on Mount Olympus inGreece.In the middle ages this was how stories were told, these stories weresometimes shown as plays, which many people could pay to watch. Theseplays were ground on love, war and religion and were very popular witheveryone. Some closed book plays were based on bible stories and shownthroughout Europe. Others were based on the elegant love traditionwhere women were worshipped like Gods. In contrast other stories wereshown as having the damsel in distress such as redbreast Hood, withknights and a great battle of good versus evil. Some even took themyths and legends and include them in their stories this could havebeen where princesses were save d from a beast such as a dragon or asmall boy perform the colossal act of defeating a giant.The SignalmanBy Charles DickensThe setting is a railway line at the bottom of a steep cutting, wherethe cheer barely penetrated. It was a shabbiness, dank, gloomy anddepressing place near a tunnel with a red danger light at itsentrance. The signalmans box was provided a few hundred yards from theentrance of the tunnel, large-minded the impression that this is the lastoutpost of life before entering the tunnel, which could go down to theunderworld. NB. In Ancient Greek legends, the entrance to Hades perdition or death was often portrayed as a dark tunnel or cave.The main character is a signalman, he is running(a) class but educatedbeyon... ...The Man With The Twisted Lip Greed, trick and shame changed NevilleSt Clairs life as he became something he wasnt i.e. the pauperise togain more money the deceit was the manner in which he gained themoney, he developed a character by dressing up under a disguise, andshame if the high class society constitute out how he gained his money itwould be social suicide for himself and his family15. The characters volitionally move towards their own doom.The Signalman focused on his job to keep the caravan safe, volitionallytended to the red light near the entrance to the tunnel but was notfocused enough on his own safety and so was cut down by the trainThe Man With The Twisted Lip Neville St Clair conscientiously chose tobe a beggar and also would have willingly gone to prison or theexecutioner rather than have revealed the confidential and disgraced hisfamily.

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