
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Public Speaking – Friends and Friendship.

HPD 111 PUBLIC SPEAKING ENGLISH MOHD HAFIZAN put in MOHAMAD SAH 2010319793 OUTLINE TOPIC Friends and friendship. OUTLINE Specific Purpose To inform my auditory sense to the highest degree who argon friend, and what is friendship. Central Idea friends are people whom leave alone always be at your side whenever you neediness to express or share your feeling and do some activities with them. Introduction I. It was a few years ago when I saw a group of teenagers do some bully to a teenager. However, that teenager didnt report their activities to police force but he got back up by some early(a) teenagers whose are his friend came to elp him out. II. When I saw this incident, I study learnt that friends are essential whenever we are in pinch. III. They could help us out whenever we in serious trouble. IV. Today, I would like to inform you about friend and friendship. (Transition lets start with the first point about friendship. ) Body I. friendship is a blessing for us. A. Friend s impart help us whenever we are in a pinch. 1. True friends testamenting help us from whatever trouble. 2. Friends willing challenge us to attain our original limits with encouragement when we allow ourselves non to go beyond our easonable boundaries. B. They will cheer us when were lamentable or depressed. 1. Friends will motivate us when were ready to fertilize in, and they flock provide for us when life falls apart. 2. Friendship is a blessing, and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes flat physical blessings flow. (Transition Now you k sweet that friendship is like blesses to us, lets wait on about the other meaning of friendship. ) II. Friendship is everlasting relationship. A. Friendship is the wholly everlasting feature in the world. 1.Friends will emphasize to find new ways to sterilize you not to fall into depression. 2. Friends can also make us realised that depression wont help us from solving any trouble. B. Friends hip will grow slowly as we experienced new things with friends and it will not be removed easily. 1. They will find innovative ways to stop us from falling, failing and try to get help to lift us up. 2. They will give us some good advice to rebuild strength on facing any troubles. (Transition Given there about everlasting friendship, Im indisputable you want to know whats next. ) III.Friendship will give us courage to go through life. A. Friends, they are the only source of our last hearts. 1. Friends will make us show more efforts and spirits when doing something that we cant do before. 2. Friends will come to us to help us solve our problems. B. Friendship is one of our sources to become brave while making some activities that need more courage. 1. Friendship gives courage to our mind and body. 2. Friends will help us to escape from big troubles. Conclusion I. As we have look through there are lots things to consider about friends and friendship. II.Friends are the most precious treasure to us and we need to animation it in good condition. III. In case of getting some friends, you need to find the loyal friends in your life so that your relationship will become worthy at the end. Bibliography Albert, Prakash (2010). Friends and Friendship Who are friends, and what are friendship. Lepp, Ignace (1966). The shipway of Friendship. New York The Macmillan Company. LAbate, Luciano (2007). Friendship, social support, and health. Low-cost approaches to promote physical and mental health Theory, research, and practice. (pp. 455472). xxii, 526 pp. New York.

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